Ishikawa, T., Filomena, G., Kapaj, A., Manley, E., & Schwering, A. "Conducting empirical research across spatial cognition and GIScience: Progress and outlook." Thematic Session held at the 16th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2024), Québec City, Canada, September 18, 2024.
Ishikawa, T. "Human sense of orientation: Where does the use of mobile navigation tools lead us?" Presented at the Symposium on the Lights and Shadows in the Intersection of Technologies and Navigation Abilities at the 18th European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition (EWIC 2024), Naples, Italy, June 14, 2024.
Ishikawa, T. "Human-centered city planning." Presented at the Science Council of Japan’s Committee on Earth and Planetary Science Specialist Meeting on the Geosphere and Anthroposphere, Tokyo, Japan, March 17, 2023. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Smart cities, geospatial technology, and spatial awareness." Presented at the Lecture Series on Comparative Urbanism, City Center, Tel Aviv University, Israel, December 15, 2022.
Ishikawa, T. "Human-centered city planning: From the perspective of user-resident experience." Presented at the Workshop on Environmental Regulation and Resident-Adapted Flexibility at the 30th annual meeting of the Association of Urban Housing Sciences, Fukuoka, Japan, November 20, 2022. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Cognitive mapping and spatial awareness: Individual differences, skill training, and geospatial technology." Presented at the 15th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2022), Kobe, Japan, September 5, 2022.
Ishikawa, T. "Spatial thinking, cognitive mapping, and spatial awareness." Keynote lecture at the 8th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (ICSC 2021), Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy, September 14, 2021.
Ishikawa, T. "Geographical and spatial aspects of geospatial thinking." Presented at the Symposium on Developing Geospatial Expertise at the 12th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (Spatial Cognition 2020/1), University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, August 1, 2021.
Ishikawa, T. "Individual differences in cognitive mapping and the possibility of training: How do people differ and can they be trained and assisted?" Presented at the GI-Forum at the Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Muenster, Germany, April 20, 2021. (invited lecture)
Sugimoto, M., Kusumi, T., Nagata, N., & Ishikawa, T. "Google Maps effect: Unconscious deterioration of route learning by the use of smartphone maps." Poster presented at the 84th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, Tokyo, Japan, September 8, 2020. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Information about places and maps in the head." Toyo University Web Lecture Series, Tokyo, Japan, November 2019. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "People, space, and information: Spatial awareness in a spatially enabled society." Presented in the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, September 6, 2019. (invited lecture)
Ishikawa, T. "People in space and space in people’s minds." Presented at the Chair of Cognitive Science, Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences, ETH Zurich, September 3, 2019. (invited lecture)
Ishikawa, T. "An empirical approach to collective spatial cognition: Collaborative navigation with people differing in aptitudes, personalities, and preferences." Paper presented at the Collective Spatial Cognition Specialist Meeting, Santa Barbara, CA, April 18, 2019.
Ishikawa, T. "Geographic information and spatial literacy." Paper presented at the Science Council of Japan Public Symposium on the Application and Visualization of Geospatial Data in the Age of Globalization, Tokyo, Japan, October 15, 2018. (in Japanese)
Wang, J., & Ishikawa, T. "A system of automatic generation of landmark-based pedestrian navigation instructions and its effectiveness for wayfinding." Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (Spatial Cognition 2018), Tübingen, Germany, September 6, 2018.
Sugimoto, M., Nagata, N., & Ishikawa, T. "Spatial memory and smartphone use: Navigation by people with different levels of sense of direction." Poster presented at the 11th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (Spatial Cognition 2018), Tübingen, Germany, September 6, 2018.
Ishikawa, T., & Asami, Y. "Residents’ evaluations of mixed land use taking residential environments and convenience into consideration." Paper presented at the 52nd annual meeting of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Hokkaido, Japan, November 12, 2017. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T., & Asami, Y. "Residents’ psychological evaluations of mixed land use and performance-based regulation in residential areas." Paper presented at the 24th annual meeting of the Association of Urban Housing Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, November 12, 2017. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Maps in the head and Tools in the hand: Spatial awareness in a spatially enabled society." Presented at the 1st Interdisciplinary Navigation Symposium (iNAV 2016), Bad Gastein, Austria, June 30, 2016. (invited talk)
Takemiya, M., & Ishikawa, T. "Implication of adaptive wayfinding aids." Presented at the 1st Interdisciplinary Navigation Symposium (iNAV 2016), Bad Gastein, Austria, June 28, 2016.
Nagatake, Y., & Ishikawa, T. "Development of a tour guidance system recommending unexpected places based on the user’s preference and motivation." Presented at the 18th annual symposium of the Center for Spatial Information Science (CSIS Days 2015), University of Tokyo, Japan, November 19, 2015. (in Japanese)
Yang, H.-Y., & Ishikawa, T. "Arrangements of dwelling units and the perceptions of personal space and residential familiarity." Paper presented at the 50th annual meeting of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Miyazaki, Japan, November 7, 2015. (in Japanese)
Takemiya, M., Ishikawa, T., & He, G. "Guide me through somewhere important: Decision-point salience and collaborative navigation." Poster presented at the 23rd ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2015), Bellevue, WA, November 4, 2015.
Ishikawa, T. "Information, space, and spatial information science." Presented at Applied Computer Science Symposium 2015: Trends in Context Awareness and Ubiquitous Computing, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, University of Tokyo, Japan, October 17, 2015. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "3-D geospace and spatial information science." Presented at the 2nd Working Group Meeting of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism’s Comprehensive Technology Development Project: Technology Development for the Realization of Safe, Secure, and Comfortable Society with 3-D Geospatial Information, Tokyo, Japan, September 18, 2015. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Ubiquitous geospatial information and spatial literacy." Presented at the III-CSIS Spatial Information Symposium: Context Awareness of Things, People, and Places through Ubiquitous Computing and Open Data, University of Tokyo, Japan, October 22, 2014. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Spatial concepts: Sensitivity to changes in geometric properties in environmental and figural perception." Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (Spatial Cognition 2014), Bremen, Germany, September 19, 2014.
Takemiya, M., Ishikawa, T., & He, G. "Guide me through somewhere important: Decision-point salience and collaborative navigation." Poster presented at the 9th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (Spatial Cognition 2014), Bremen, Germany, September 18, 2014.
He, G., Ishikawa, T., & Takemiya, M. "Where are you now? Dynamics of simultaneous, collaborative navigation." Poster presented at the 9th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (Spatial Cognition 2014), Bremen, Germany, September 18, 2014.
Ishikawa, T., & Asami, Y. "Residents’ psychological evaluation of mixed land use in residential areas." Paper presented at the 48th annual meeting of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, November 10, 2013. (in Japanese; awarded the Annual Best Paper Award)
Ishikawa, T. "Spatial primitives from a cognitive perspective: Sensitivity to changes in various geometric properties." Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2013), Scarborough, England, September 3, 2013.
Takemiya, M., & Ishikawa, T. "Strategy-based dynamic real-time route prediction." Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2013), Scarborough, England, September 3, 2013.
Takemiya, M., & Ishikawa, T. "On the relationship between individual differences in wayfinding performance and route prediction." Presented at the International Geographical Union Kyoto Regional Conference (IGU 2013), Kyoto, Japan, August 6, 2013.
Ishikawa, T. "Exploring human spatial behavior through ubiquitous computing and spatial information." Presented at the III-CSIS Spatial Information Symposium: Knowing Space and Exploring Human Behavior through Ubiquitous Computing, University of Tokyo, Japan, June 28, 2013. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Academic status and social recognition of geography in the US and Europe." Presented at the Spring 2013 study meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, Kumagaya, Saitama, Japan, March 29, 2013. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Residents’ perception of the quality of urban living and attitudes toward various urban planning regulations." Presented at the 6th research meeting for the Urban Reformation Program for Realization of Bright Low Carbon Society, Tokyo, Japan, March 5, 2013. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T., & Asami, Y. "Perception of the quality of urban living and residential satisfaction: In relation to residential characteristics, human values, and physical environments." Paper presented at the 47th annual meeting of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Hirosaki, Aomori, Japan, November 11, 2012. (in Japanese)
Maruya, K., Ishikawa, T., & Asami, Y. "Residential satisfaction and inclination to settle down by elderly people in Kashiwa City." Presented at the 15th annual symposium of the Center for Spatial Information Science (CSIS Days 2012), University of Tokyo, Japan, November 3, 2012. (in Japanese)
Maruya, K., Ishikawa, T., & Asami, Y. "Residential satisfaction and inclination to settle down by elderly people in a suburban city: A case study in Kashiwa City." Paper presented at the 21st annual meeting of the Geographic Information Systems Association, Hiroshima, Japan, October 14, 2012. (in Japanese; awarded the Best Presentation Award)
Kozeni, Y., Ishikawa, T., & Sadahiro, Y. "Behavioral analysis of the use of bicycle navigation systems." Paper presented at the 21st annual meeting of the Geographic Information Systems Association, Hiroshima, Japan, October 14, 2012. (in Japanese)
Takemiya, M., Richter, K.-F., & Ishikawa, T. "Linking cognitive and computational salience in route information." Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (Spatial Cognition 2012), Kloster Seeon, Bavaria, Germany, September 2, 2012.
Ishikawa, T. "Spatial information science as a research field linking space, information, and humans." Presented at the III-CSIS Spatial Information Symposium: Knowing Space—Space, Information, and Humans, University of Tokyo, Japan, May 25, 2012. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Reg Golledge, an explorer of space." Paper presented at the workshop on Behavioral Geographer Reginald Golledge: Retrospect and Prospect from a Human-Environment Relations Perspective at the 19th annual meeting of the Man-Environment Research Association (MERA), Yokohama, Japan, May 19, 2012. (in Japanese)
Wen, W., Ishikawa, T., & Sato, T. "Verbal and spatial strategies in learning about large-scale environments." Paper presented at the 19th annual meeting of the Man-Environment Research Association (MERA), Yokohama, Japan, May 19, 2012. (in Japanese)
Wen, W., Ishikawa, T., & Sato, T. "Individual differences in memory processes in survey understanding of large-scale spaces." Poster presented at the 30th annual meeting of the Japanese Psychonomic Society, Yokohama, Japan, December 3, 2011. (in Japanese)
Takahashi, K., & Ishikawa, T. "Methods for presenting destinations on navigational aids and the user’s behavior." Presented at the 14th annual symposium of the Center for Spatial Information Science (CSIS Days 2011), University of Tokyo, Japan, November 11, 2011. (in Japanese)
Wen, W., Ishikawa, T., & Sato, T. "Memory processes in survey understanding of geographic spaces." Presented at the 14th annual symposium of the Center for Spatial Information Science (CSIS Days 2011), University of Tokyo, Japan, November 11, 2011. (in Japanese)
Takahashi, K., & Ishikawa, T. "Methods for presenting destinations in pedestrian tourist navigation." Paper presented at the 20th annual meeting of the Geographic Information Systems Association, Kagoshima, Japan, October 16, 2011. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Spatial information science and psychology: Toward an understanding of space and humans." Presented at the symposium on the Potential Applicability of GIS and Spatial Information Science in Psychology at the 75th annual meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association, Tokyo, Japan, September 17, 2011. (in Japanese)
Wakabayashi, Y., & Ishikawa, T. "Spatial thinking in geographic information science: A review of past studies and prospects for the future." Paper presented at the international conference on Spatial Thinking and Geographic Information Sciences (STGIS), Tokyo, Japan, September 15, 2011.
Takemiya, M., & Ishikawa, T. "I can tell by the way you use your walk: Real-time classification of wayfinding performance." Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2011), Belfast, ME, September 14, 2011.
Wen, W., Ishikawa, T., & Sato, T. "Roles of working memory in the acquisition of survey spatial knowledge." Paper presented at the 18th annual meeting of the Man-Environment Research Association (MERA), Nagoya, Japan, May 21, 2011. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Individual differences in spatial cognition and spatial thinking in geospatial science." Presented at the panel discussion International Research on Spatial Thinking: Implications for Education and Professional Development at the 2011 annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Seattle, WA, April 12, 2011.
Wen, W., Ishikawa, T., & Sato, T. "Egocentric and allocentric spatial knowledge and working memory." Poster presented at the Intelligent Modeling Laboratory (IML) Open House, University of Tokyo, Japan, December 10–11, 2010. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Elderly people and urban habitation: From the perspective of spatial cognition and behavior." Presented at the workshop on Health and Urban Planning at the annual meeting of the Association of Urban Housing Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, November 28, 2010. (in Japanese)
Wakabayashi, Y., & Ishikawa, T. "Geographic information science and spatial thinking." Presented at the 19th annual meeting of the Geographic Information Systems Association, Kyoto, Japan, October 24, 2010. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Geographic information science as a research field linking space, information, and people." Presented at the Autumn 2010 study meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, Nagoya, Japan, October 3, 2010. (in Japanese)
Wen, W., Ishikawa, T., & Sato, T. "Spatial knowledge acquisition and working memory." Paper presented at the Technical Committee on Multimedia and Virtual Environment (MVE) of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Tokyo, Japan, June 29, 2010. (in Japanese)
Wen, W., Ishikawa, T., & Sato, T. "Roles of working memory in the acquisition of knowledge about large-scale spaces." Paper presented at the 17th annual meeting of the Man-Environment Research Association (MERA), Tokyo, Japan, May 29, 2010. (in Japanese; awarded the Best Presentation Award)
Ishikawa, T. "Knowing where you are and showing people where they are: Internal and external representations of spatial knowledge." Invited talk at the GI Forum at the Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Muenster, Germany, December 22, 2009.
Wen, W., Ishikawa, T., & Sato, T. "Roles of working memory in learning about large-scale spaces." Poster presented at the 28th annual meeting of the Japanese Psychonomic Society, Tokyo, Japan, December 5, 2009. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T., & Koshizuka, N. "Testing a support system for public property management with common and unique identifiers of places, objects, and phenomena called u-codes." Presented at the 7th annual meeting of the Japan Construction Information Center’s (JACIC) Research Grant Program, Tokyo, Japan, November 13, 2009. (in Japanese)
Tajima, T., Ishikawa, T., & Koshizuka, N. "Proposing a data model and a system for public property management using common identifiers ucodes" Paper presented at the 34th Symposium on Civil Engineering Information Processing, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Tokyo, Japan, October 23, 2009. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T., & Yamazaki, T. "Showing where to go by maps or pictures: An empirical case study at subway exits." Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2009), Aber Wrac'h, France, September 23, 2009.
Ishikawa, T. "An experimental analysis of the perception and conceptualization of house floor plans." Presented at the Chinese Academy of Sciences International Workshop on Urban Geography, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Beijing, China, September 9, 2009.
Asami, Y., & Ishikawa, T. "Comprehension of house floor plans and presentation of housing information: Psychological analysis and economic implications." Presented at the 18th Housing Policy Research Seminar, Center for International Research on the Japanese Economy (CIRJE), University of Tokyo, Japan, May 12, 2009. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Standardization activities at ISO/TC 211: Geographic information/Geomatics." Presented at the 25th TRON Project Symposium TRONSHOW 2009, Tokyo Midtown, Japan, December 12, 2008. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Spatial information science: A field connecting people, geography, and information." Presented at the Japan-Korea Symposium on Digital Convergence and Institutional/Cultural Changes of Public Broadcasting, Seoul National University, Korea, November 21, 2008.
Ishikawa, T., & Koshizuka, N. "Informationalizing and supporting public property management in the field of construction using common and unique identifiers of places, objects, and phenomena called u-codes." Presented at the 6th annual meeting of the Japan Construction Information Center’s (JACIC) Research Grant Program, Tokyo, Japan, November 11, 2008. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T., Nakata, S., & Asami, Y. "A cognitive analysis of people’s preferences concerning dwelling unit plans." Presented at the Workshop on the Analysis of Housing and Urban Environments, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, November 2, 2008.
Ishikawa, T., & Kiyomoto, M. "Turn to the left or to the west: Verbal navigational directions in relative and absolute frames of reference." Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2008), Park City, UT, September 24, 2008.
Ishikawa, T. "Cities perceived by people: Looking at mental maps." Presented at the Open Laboratory for high-school students, Department of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan, July 11, 2008. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Spatial cognition and behavior: Interaction between space, humans, and information." Presented at the CSIS Seminar in Spatial Information Science, Center for Spatial Information Science, University of Tokyo, Japan, December 12, 2007.
Nakata, S., Asami, Y., & Ishikawa, T. "Quantifying the importance of information about house floor plans: From the perspective of consumer preferences." Presented at the 10th annual symposium of the Center for Spatial Information Science (CSIS Days 2007), University of Tokyo, Japan, November 2, 2007. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Topics in environmental psychology and their implications for urban housing research." Presented at the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, October 6, 2007.
Ishikawa, T. "Ubiquitous computing and spatial information: Toward a ubiquitous spatial information society." Paper presented at the 3rd Asia Construction IT Round-Table Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, August 3, 2007.
Ishikawa, T. "Earth science and spatial thinking." Presented at the Earth and Planetary System Science Seminar, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo, Japan, June 25, 2007. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T., Barnston, A. G., Kastens, K. A., Louchouarn, P., & Ropelewski, C. F. "Understanding and use of climate forecast maps by prospective policy makers: An empirical study." Presented at the 103rd annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, April 20, 2007.
Kastens, K. A., Ishikawa, T., & Liben, L. S. "Visualizing a 3-D geological structure from outcrop observations: Strategies used by geoscience experts, students and novices." Poster presented at the 118th annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, Philadelphia, PA, October 24, 2006.
Ishikawa, T., Ishii, H., Okuyama, K., Sawazaki, T., Hasegawa, T., Punnoi, N., Hirata, M., Maki, T., & Yamazaki, T. "Constructing image maps of Shibuya from sketch maps." Paper presented at the 15th annual meeting of the Geographic Information Systems Association, Tokyo, Japan, October 18, 2006. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Spatial information and spatial thinking." Presented at the 9th annual symposium of the Center for Spatial Information Science (CSIS Days 2006), University of Tokyo, Japan, October 5, 2006. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T. "Interaction between space and humans: From an environmental perspective." Presented at the Colloquia Seminar in the Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, Japan, July 19, 2006. (in Japanese)
Ishikawa, T., Barnston, A. G., Kastens, K. A., Louchouarn, P., & Ropelewski, C. F. "Understanding, evaluation, and use of climate forecast maps: An empirical study with prospective policy makers." Presented at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop, Palisades, NY, March 15, 2005.
Ishikawa, T. "Cognitive maps and spatial behavior: How the environment is represented in our minds." Presented at the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) Seminar Series on Spatial Data, Analysis, and Thinking, Palisades, NY, January 27, 2005.
Ishikawa, T., & Kastens, K. A. "Envisioning large geologic structures from field observations: An experimental study." Poster presented at the 116th annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver, CO, November 7, 2004.
Kastens, K. A., Ishikawa, T., & Liben, L. S. "Collaborative Research: Constructing Mental Images of Geologic Structures from Field Observations." Poster presented at the National Science Foundation (NSF) Principal Investigators’ Meeting for the Division of Research, Evaluation, and Communication, Arlington, VA, October 18, 2004.
Kastens, K. A., & Ishikawa, T. "Mentally visualizing large geologic structures from field observations: A behavioral study." Presented at the NSF-funded Teaching Structural Geology in the 21st Century Workshop, Northampton, NY, June 29 & July 2, 2004.
Ropelewski, C. F., Ishikawa, T., Barnston, A. G., Kastens, K. A., & Louchouarn, P. "How effectively do climate forecast maps communicate with policy makers?" Presented at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop, Tallahassee, FL, March 10, 2004.
Ishikawa, T., Barnston, A. G., Kastens, K. A., Louchouarn, P., & Ropelewski, C. F. "Testing the efficacy of climate forecast maps as a means of communicating with policy makers." Poster presented at the 115th annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, Seattle, WA, November 2, 2003.
Ishikawa, T. "Development of spatial knowledge in a large-scale space." Presented at the International Spatial Cognition Summer Institute ’03, Bad Zwischenahn, Germany, September 3, 2003.
Ishikawa, T. "Spatial cognition in an architectural space." Presented at the International Spatial Cognition Summer Institute ’03, Bad Zwischenahn, Germany, August 28, 2003.
Ishikawa, T. "Spatial thinking in the geosciences." Presented at the International Spatial Cognition Summer Institute ’03, Bad Zwischenahn, Germany, August 25, 2003.
Ishikawa, T. "Maps in the head: The structure and development of spatial knowledge." Presented at the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) Geospatial Seminar Series, Palisades, NY, April 18, 2003.
Ishikawa, T. Invited lecture on spatial cognition, Department of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo, December 20, 2002.
Kastens, K. A., & Ishikawa, T. "Spatial thinking in the geosciences." Presented at the 114th annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver, CO, October 29, 2002.
Ishikawa, T., & Montello, D. R. "Development of spatial knowledge in a new environment." Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2002), Boulder, CO, September 27, 2002.
Ishikawa, T. "Maps in the head: How they develop in a new environment." Presented at the UCSB Geography Department Colloquia Series, Santa Barbara, CA, January 17, 2002.
Ishikawa, T. "Spatial knowledge acquisition in the environment: The integration of separately learned places and the development of metric knowledge." Presented at the Doctoral Colloquium at the 5th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2001), Morro Bay, CA, September 23, 2001.
Ishikawa, T., & Montello, D. R. "How people acquire spatial knowledge in a new environment: A longitudinal study." Presented at the 97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, February 28, 2001.
Montello, D. R., Hegarty, M., Richardson, A. E., & Ishikawa, T. "Individual differences in spatial abilities in large- and small-scale spaces." Presented at the 97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, March 1, 2001.
Hegarty, M., Montello, D. R., Richardson, A. E., & Ishikawa, T. "Individual differences in spatial abilities in large- and small-scale space." Presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA, November 17, 2000.
Ishikawa, T. "Spatial knowledge acquisition: The integration of separately learned places and the development of metric knowledge." Presented at the UCSB Geography Department Colloquia Series, Santa Barbara, CA, November 13, 1997.
Ishikawa, T., Okabe, A., Sadahiro, Y., Kakumoto, S., & Hatakeyama, T. "Influence of open space on the cognition of the building coverage ratio: Using 3-D stereo GIS." Paper presented at the 3rd annual meeting of the Geographic Information Systems Association, Tokyo, Japan, October 2, 1994. (in Japanese)